20000 Leagues in Montenegro – collaboration with NGO MedCEM

As part of the project conducted by the Montenegrin NGO MedCEM (Mediterranean Ecological Monitoring Center) under the title “Website – Database of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas of Montenegro”, a member of the Society of 20000 Leagues, Hrvoje Čižmek was involved in the implementation of the project as a foreign consultant for the selection and establishment of protected marine areas in Montenegro.

Project was financed by MedPAN organization, with FFEM, MAVA and Princ Alberta II of Monaca fondation; Objectives of the project were to consolidate available information on possible protected areas of the Montenegrin coast, with particular emphasis on future protected areas in the sea (MPAs). Montenegro is the last country in the Mediterranean (with BiH) that has not established any protected area in the sea, although there are plans and programs to do so in the future.

Bilingual website can be found on the following link http://mne-mpa.org

Dead matte of posidonia meadows near Ratac (Photo: Dušan Varda; MedCEM)